Remember the game I mentioned in the Drafthouse post, where you list the businesses you wish would move into a newly vacated space? I wished for Mexican food and margaritas closer to the apartment for a long time. That wish came true when El Camino opened, basically in my backyard.
The rumors had it opening in time for Derby 2013. When it finally opened five months later, we were there on opening night. Tacos! Tequila and rum drinks! Flan! Surfing and luchador movies!
That was a Tuesday night. Gabe and I went back for dinner that Friday night, then met friends at another bar. Then we went back for a final drink at El Camino. And then we crossed the street, crossed a bank parking garage, crossed the alley and were home.
It’s dangerous living so near to tacos and tequila drinks. Friends can text to let you know they’re there, would you like to join them, and yes, of course, you would. It’s right there! In cooler months, if it’s not freezing, the fire pits mean you can still enjoy that wonderful patio. And brunch on the weekend means you could go in the morning and just stay all day.
I spent a good amount of time at El Camino this winter. I can’t decide if the bright decor and surf videos make me sadder or happier in the cold (sad because those beach videos drive home the lack of warmth outside; happy because it’s so cheery). But this winter’s going to be worse in the Northeast, and I’m definitely going to miss walking out the back door, scurrying across a block, and receiving a plate full of tacos.